Ca l l   f o r  P a p e r s

The Eighteenth Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association

Technology, Spirituality, Ecology
June 22-25, 2017
Saint Mary’s College of California

Saint Mary’s College of California is proud to host the 18th annual convention of the Media Ecology Association (MEA). Founded in 1863, Saint Mary’s is one of the oldest colleges in the western U.S. with the original location in San Francisco and now located on a 420-acre campus in the Moraga Valley, 20 miles east of San Francisco. The convention will be held from June 22 through 25, 2017.

Media Ecology is a wide tent whose history, perspectives, and scholarly interests incorporate a broad array of academic and professional disciplines focusing on “the study of media environments and the idea that technology and techniques, modes of information and codes of communication play a leading role in human affairs” (Lance Strate, 1999). This interdisciplinary approach towards the exploration of media as environments fosters a rich discourse of investigation, and each MEA convention provides a unique opportunity for academics and professionals to come together in a relaxed, convivial and intimate environment that encourages deep conversations alongside activities that encourage friendship and fun.

The theme for the 18th annual MEA Convention is Technology, Spirituality, Ecology. This tri-part theme provides a confluence of topics that represent major global concerns in the contemporary age. This is probably best articulated in the papal encyclical from Pope Francis, Laudato Si, when he stated that “when media and the digital world become omnipresent, their influence can stop people from learning how to live wisely, to think deeply and to love generously. In this context, the great sages of the past run the risk of going unheard amid the noise and distractions of an information overload. Efforts need to be made to help these media become sources of new cultural progress for humanity and not a threat to our deepest riches. True wisdom, as the fruit of self-examination, dialogue and generous encounter between persons, is not acquired by a mere accumulation of data which eventually leads to overload and confusion, a sort of mental pollution. Real relationships with others, with all the challenges they entail, now tend to be replaced by a type of internet communication which enables us to choose or eliminate relationships at whim, thus giving rise to a new type of contrived emotion which has more to do with devices and displays than with other people and with nature” (para. 47).

With this as context, we invite paper and panel proposals that address one or more of the three core themes. Although we encourage submissions that touch upon, or align with, the convention theme, papers, abstracts, and panel proposal submissions from all areas of Media Ecology are welcome. A maximum of two submissions per author will be accepted. Authors who wish their papers to be considered for the Top Paper or Top Student Paper award must indicate this on their submission(s). The top papers will be published in Explorations in Media Ecology. All submissions will be acknowledged. The language of the convention is English.

Please submit all papers, panels, and proposals to the Convention Coordinator Lori Erokan at : le6{at}

Submission deadline: February 28, 2017

Questions can be sent to the Convention Chair, Ed Tywoniak at: tywoniak{at}

Guidelines for Submission

For manuscripts eligible for MEA award submissions:
1. Manuscripts should be 4,000-6,000 words (approximately 15 to 25 double-spaced pages)
2. Include a cover page (or e-submission page) with your academic or professional affiliation and other contact information.
3. Include a 150 words abstract, with the title. Use APA, MLA or Chicago style.
4. Papers should be written in English.

For Paper and Panel Proposals:
1. Include title, 250 words abstract, and contact information with your proposal
2. Outline, as relevant, how your paper or panel will fit with the convention theme
3. Presenters should be prepared to deliver their papers in English.
4. Authors with papers submitted as part of a panel proposal or as a paper proposal that wish to be considered for Top Paper or Top Student Paper must send completed paper to the convention planner by June 1, 2016.

Note that campus housing will be available at reasonable rates, along with a variety of off-campus lodging options. Specific information on housing, transportation, places of interest and other logistics will be available shortly on the convention website and the official MEA website.


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